Going back many years up till recently, the only settings that windshield wipers had were low, high and off.
Following this, an intermittent wiper option was added to vehicles allowing the drivers to reduce wiper movements based on the amount of rain falling.
However, in more recent times the most innovative and creative improvement in the field of automobile wiper technology is the provision of rain-sensing wipers.
There are also other innovations in this field which get more sophisticated each year.

Windscreen Rain Sensing Technology
A rain sensor, which sits on the windscreen glass, enables the wipers to turn on after detecting rain on the windshield.
What makes this technology truly magic is that this sensor is usually hidden and the function is automatic.
No longer do we as drivers, need to switch between off, intermittent, slow and fast. Modern-day rain sensors do this switching for us automatically.
How Rain-Sensing Wipers Work
Rain-sensing wipers function by measuring how many water drops are on the windshield. This allows it to know when it should activate the wipers to wipe the water off.
The rain sensor does this by sending invisible infrared light across the windscreen. It then detects the light that is reflected back internally by the windshield glass.
This real-time sensing allows it to know how much water is on the glass which triggers when the wipers need to activate.
In heavier rain, it will also increase the speed of the wipers to ensure that sufficient wiping is performed to maintain a clear windscreen for the driver.
Importance of Rain Sensors
Rain sensors may not sound that important but the truth is they are now a key safety component for modern-day drivers.
As you are aware, any distractions to a driver when on the road can lead to accidents. Thus being able to see the road in front of you clearly and paying full attention is key.
With rain-sensing wipers, you have one less thing to worry about as the turning on and off of the windshield wipers is already taken care of for you by the rain sensor.
It is indeed evident that the advantage rain-sensing wipers bring is indisputable. Also due to their electronic sensing, they can respond faster than you during different conditions.
Take for example a surprising situation that’s unexpected like your windshield getting splashed by a puddle of water by passing traffic.
In these situations, rain sensors respond quicker than your reaction time.
Rain Sensors When Replacing Your Windscreen
In case your windscreen requires replacement, you should first check if your model of vehicle has rain-sensing wipers.
Some people do not realise their vehicle has them as they use the manual way of turning their wipers on and off.
If you do have this technology on your vehicle you have the option of replacing the windscreen with a rain sensor or one without.
Choosing a windscreen without this technology will be cheaper but of course, you will lose this convenient safety feature. Ask Metro Auto Glass for a free quote to see your options.
Rain Sensors Are Not Foolproof
Even though rain sensors contribute to a safer and more comfortable driving experience it should be known that issues can arise.
Just like any other electronic device, including lane and driver assistance technology, a rain sensor is prone to failure or malfunction.
If this happens, you should not be too worried as your vehicle is still equipped with a manual override with the basic low, high and off switches in the case of such an occurrence.